Thursday 10 November 2016

War Dogs

There where no dogs. I don't know why I always expect animals in these films. There was war though. 7.5/10 

Stranger Things

I've watched stranger things than this show. Like Sausage Party. Or that video of the horse.

Sausage Party

I watched this film sober. Don't watch this film sober. Or do. I don't really care. You don't really love me. </3/10

Monday 11 July 2016

The Longest Yard

Apparently a yard is 0.9144 metres. Just use the metric system. Also the Great khali brokeded my nose. f***ing 0.9144/10

Now You See Me

Now you see me...Now you don't. I spent 3 days trying to come up with joke. Laugh. I'm Hilarious/10

Thursday 7 July 2016

Captain Philips

Captain Philips was the captain. He isn't the Captain now. I am the Captain now.
Give me my stripes/10


There is a fox and a rabbit. I had a rabbit named Thumper, and he died. I had a rabbit named Bubbles, and she died. I had a rabbit named Puma, and he died. Now I have a rabbit named Michu.
He just died/10